Have you ever had difficulty making choices? When everything seems to be changing around you life can feel like a puzzle made up of pieces which just don’t seem to fit together. If only we knew where to place ourselves and where to go next.
This book has been designed to help you make sense of the puzzle by finding out who you are and how you fit in the world right now. Using a simple step by step process based on the ancient art form known as a mandala, Circular Sounds will help you access the inner thoughts and feelings hidden deep in your subconscious and show you how to produce a clear blueprint for action.
Following the instructions in this book will take you on a journey around the different processing centres of your brain resulting in a clearer understanding of how you really think and feel about the choices ahead.
Designed for use by individuals, couples and groups, Circular Sounds has been developed over 10 years through practical application with people of different ages and different circumstances all around the world. No matter who you are or where you come from if you need help deciding what to do next, this book will make it easy to find out.
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